Askel & Elere, Overmono & The Streets, Watch the Ride, Underworld, Trident

Dodgy Picks Week 3

This week on Dodgy Picks, it’s another chunky selection of DnB and a little touch of garage vibes from Overmono & The Streets. Also, there’s not one but TWO free downloads for you to grab (or chip in a few pennies if you have the spare cash).

If you have a tune to share that you think I might like to add to a future “Dodgy Picks” post, you can send me a link (as long as it’s on BandCamp). Find out how to submit tunes at the bottom of this post.

Askel and Elere – Engram

Bloody hell! The intro on this one! Askel & Elere drop a Drum and Bass tune that builds and builds in the first minute before dropping into a head down groove that provides room for those same cinematic elements to creep back in. That rising melody line is class!

I particularly enjoy those dirty, distorted synth lines that sound so phat and distorted they’re struggling to get out of the synthesizer itself.

Overmono & The Streets – Turn The Page

I’ve had this in my collection since last year but I had to share it here for anyone who has yet to hear it. “Turn The Page” is such a great intro to the “Original Pirate Material” album and Overmono have been dropping their take on this tune since 2022. Finally released two years later this is a fired up take on the original. Tight garagey beats, those epic strings creeping in and then that massive breakdown as the vocal, melodics and break loop build in intensity until it’s time for it all to kick off again. A worthy remix of a stone cold classic.

Watch the Ride – Out the Gate

I’m digging back into my Bandcamp wishlist by a couple of years for this one. I really must get around to buying a copy of this track.

“Watch the Ride” are made up of DJ Die, Dismantle and the late great Randall. Out the Gate is an energetic Drum and Bass work out built upon the tastiest of monsterously phatt basslines.

Underworld – Dark & Long (Dark Train) (Trident Remix) (Free download)

I frequently find myself mulling over ideas for tunes to make. Just the other week I was playing around in my head with the idea of “Dark and Long” by Underworld running over the top of a Jungle beat. Lo and behold Trident has delivered pretty much exactly that.

It turns out that the synth line fits really nicely, both in terms of tempo and general tone. You can grab it from Bandcamp as a free (or name your price) download.

Trident – Predator

One thing I do like about Bandcamp is discovering a new producer or artist and then pouring through their discography for any new gems to enjoy. Having found Trident’s Underworld remix (posted above) I had a quick dip into their other tunes and “Predator” immediately jumped out at me.

Utilising the original score from the movie along with some choice quotes in the intro the tune then drops into a tearing bassline. I hit that download button in no time at all as I’m sure you will.

If you want to see what tunes I’ve recommended previously, take a look at my previous Dodgy Picks.

If you have a tune on BandCamp that’s along the lines of the tunes listed above and you’d like to submit it for a possible recommendation, feel free to drop me a line.

You can also follow me online via various social networks (apart from stinky ass Twitter).

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